For many more unit converter calculators (weight, length, temperature, etc.) visit these sites: Unit Converters Click on a box, enter a value, then click the "Calculate" button. The "Default" button sets the first box's value to "1". Volume Unit Conversion Calculator Liters Fluid Ounces US Cups US Pints US Quarts US Gallons Imperial Gallons Barrels of Oil Distance Unit Conversion Calculator Meters Millimeters Kilometers Inches Feet Yards Miles Weight Unit Conversion Calculator Grams Kilograms Ounces Pounds Troy Pounds Short Tons (US/Canada) Metric Tons Long Tons (UK/Imperial) Velocity Unit Conversion Calculator Meters per Second Inches per Second Feet per Second Feet per Minute Miles per Hour Kilometers per Hour Knots
Unit Converters
Click on a box, enter a value, then click the "Calculate" button. The "Default" button sets the first box's value to "1".